Your weekly tech lessons.
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- Last week's lesson was a Hodgepodge of tips: Fine-tune photo editing, Stabilize videos, Convert VHS tapes to Google Photos videos, Share your location, Google Maps vs. Waze, and more all in Episode 172. Members' show notes and links are available at this link after logging in.
This week's lesson, Episode 173, is about taking notes, keeping lists, and making reminders with Google Keep. Our guest teacher is Michael Daniels.
- Episode 173 will be recorded live on Sunday 8/11 at 2pm Eastern. Click the link now to set a reminder. If you view while we're live you can ask questions that we'll answer on air. Click the link at any time afterward and you'll get the recording.
- GeeksOnTour premium members are invited to an online meetup after the show. Get your backstage pass link here.