Episode 228 of our Button Show was all about using Snapseed to edit photos on mobile devices. You can watch the hour long show and, if you are a Geeks on Tour member, you also get detailed written notes. We also presented a private class over Zoom on Snapseed to the Senior Planet group in Denver. The recording of that class, and all class materials are public and free until March when it will be for members only.
Try it now!
All you need is the free Snapseed app on your iPhone/iPad, or Android device. After it is installed, open the Snapseed app, then tap the + to pick a photo from your device.
Add Ambiance
- Once you have a photo, you tap on the Tools button (a pencil icon) and choose the first tool - "Tune Image."
- To see all the tuning options, rub your finger up and down on the photo. Select the option called "Ambiance"
- Now rub your finger to the right to increase the amount of Ambiance
- When you like what you see, tap the checkmark ü to accept it
Add Structure
- Tap on Tools again and this time select the second tool - Details
- Rub up/down on photo and select Structure
- Rub right to increase Structure
- When you like what you see tap the checkmark ü to accept it.
Long-press on the photo to see the original photo, let go to see the edited version. If you like it, tap the Export (square with arrow) button and Save.
What do you think?