We're back from our month in Italy and we enjoyed sharing our travels in a Google Photos shared album, so that's what we're going to teach in Episode 235 of "What Does This Button Do?"
A photo album can be more than just photos. It can include video clips and movies. It can also include maps and blocks of text. So you get the whole story - kind of like a web page.
When you follow a shared Google Photos album, you can like and comment on the album or on individual photos. In this episode we'll show you how to:
For the traveler
- Create the album and share it with friends and family
- Add photos each day (more than one person can add)
- Add maps and text blocks as needed
For friends and family of the traveler
- How to follow the album as it grows
- How to like and comment on photos and videos
- How to see the maps and text
- How to see individual photos and videos
- How to see others' comments
What: *Episode 235 What Does This Button Do?
When: Sunday June 12, 2022 at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 8pm Berlin and Italy, 4am Monday Sydney,
Topic: Google Photos: Travel Albums