It's something we all need to think about now! So when we heard that our friend, Judy Taylour from APCUG (Ass'n of PC User Groups) had a presentation on it, we booked her as a guest for our show.
What are your digital assets?
What should happen to them after you die?
Who should have access?
How do you get the access information to the right people?
What's your plan?
What: Episode 238 What does this button do?
Where: YouTube here. Click the link now and then click the button to "Set a Reminder" for Sunday. We also stream live on
When: Sunday Jul 24, 2022 at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 7pm Berlin, 5am Monday Sydney. Topic: Digital Estate Planning
Can't join us live? No worries, the same link will take you to the replay recording.
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