We've come a long way with technology. Backup, Backup, Backup, used to be the #1 thing to teach people, otherwise they would lose all their stuff.
Today, if you used cloud-based apps on your phone, there is no worry about
losing your stuff when you lose your phone.
This week I overheard people talking about how scared they were about possibly losing their phone. They didn't want to lose all their contacts and photos! I wish I could have sat down with them and explained just how easy it can be to take that worry away. So, we're going to show you
It's all about the Apps and your Account. We will teach you about your Google Account and the Google Apps for Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Photos.
Synchronizing, or Syncing, means that all
of your email, contacts, calendar entries and photos are automatically copied to the cloud and kept in sync with the copy on your phone. If you lose your phone, you just get a new one, enter your account information in the right places, and voila! everything is back.
*Episode 239 What Does This Button Do?
When: Sunday August 7, 2022 at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 8pm Berlin and Italy, 4am Monday Sydney,
Topic: Don't backup your smartphone, Sync instead