In this episode of Fun with Photos, we'll review the procedure to make and use a group album. Notice that each photo includes the name of the person who added it.
- In Google Photos just make an
- Share that album with everyone in the group
- Be sure the setting "Collaboration" is ON
- Members of the group can add their own photos
- Members of the group can comment on other photos
- When the trip is over, turn off collaboration, so you can share the album with others without risk of unwanted photos being added
What: Fun with Photos Episode 10: A pre-recorded 10-15 minute smartphone
photo tip: How to Make and Use Group Albums in Google Photos
When: Sunday, 2-11-24 at 2pm Eastern
Where: YouTube: Fun with Photos - episode 13
This is a pre-recorded podcast, but we will be there at 2pm in the live chat if you have any