I'll bet you have some old smartphones laying around. Most people get a new one every few years. What to do with the old ones? Well, if it is in decent condition, you'd be surprised what you can do with it! We did a whole episode, #60, of our What Does This Button Do? show on it. Try this now: - Grab an old phone and plug in the charger - because the battery is probably dead.
- Once you get it turned on, connect it to Wi-Fi
- Now you can do just about anything with it except make phone calls. Camera, Music, Google, Google Maps, Google Photos
- Even without an Internet connection, you'd be surprised at all the things it can do: a digital photo frame, a camera for the grandkids
- Make sure to wipe the phone first, before
giving it to the grandkids. Doing a factory reset is the subject of episode 61.