Hi We answered as many of your questions as we could in our live What Does This Button Do show on Sunday. Episode, #145, was dedicated to your questions. We answered questions like: - How to get photos from a Samsung Galaxy phone to Google
- How much storage space do I get with Google and how do I know how much I've used?
- How do I stop using the Backup and Sync software that automatically uploads all photos from my computer.
- How do I make a movie or animation with Google Photos
LIVE Today - Thursday,
6/21 If you didn't get your questions answered, join us on Facebook Live today at 5:30 Eastern time. Just go to Facebook.com/GeeksOnTour
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who could benefit from our weekly lessons, feel free to forward this message on. Anyone can subscribe here.
Are you just joining us and need to catch up? Where to start? We recommend these 5 past episodes. There's nothing on RV right? Try watching one of these video instead. Get ready to pause the playback and get out your phone and try things. Come back in a few days and watch another.
Geeks on Tour