Google Photos - Your questions answered

Published: Mon, 06/17/19

Learn Google Photos

2018-06-15 22:43:11.526-04
We got your questions! Lots of them! We'll answer them live as we record Episode #145 of What Does This Button Do?"

We answer a lot of questions about Google Photos everywhere we go. This week, we solicited questions for our YouTube show, "What Does This Button Do?"
We got a lot of responses!
How do you get photos taken on Samsung Galaxy 8 from gallery to Google Photos automatically (ie. without having to select them/ tap share/ tap upload to G.P.) ?
LOVE your show.. I've learned a lot from listening to you...

Ed and Deanna
I have google photos and when I open up the app I see my photos , yea. If I “free up space” it gives me the message “delete 399 items...” Sure I want free up some space. But where can I recall these photos one month or one year down the road? Until I am certain I can get my photos back, I’m not throwing anything away!  Ken
 How do I get Google photos on my computer & then print them. Thanks, Eleanor
All my pictures are organized in folders and sub folders.  How is this handled in Google Photos?
Question re: taking a selfie using OK Google mentioned in one of your previous shows.I have a Moto G phone with the OK Google app.  If I start with OK Google and ask it to take a selfie, the camera goes on, however, it won't reverse from a regular photo to selfie mode.  Any suggestions?
So I’m using Snapseed to add text to my photos on Google.  If I take pics with iPhone is there a quicker way to add text and that picture will be picked up by Google.    Adding text works but makes me miss PicasaThanks Phyllis
 I'm a long time Google user so I have a great deal on 94 Gb of their online storage. But, alas, it is now full of photos and videos that I have plenty of space to upload to other cloud providers with greater capacity at a more favorable price. My question is twofold: how can I quickly, easily, and painlessly delete those Google stored photos; and how can I prevent that drive from filing up again? Rainer
Can you put Google Albums in alphabetical or date added order. I’m always scrolling through the list. Tim
I have at least 1000 photos  taken with 5 different cameras over the last 20 years. All are jpg format, and all are on a single Windows drive, (yes, I do have backups).  I need to eliminate duplicates, group by events, vacations, family (plenty of overlap) etc.  I fear that if I upload to Photos (I can accept the reduction in resolution) things will get hopelessly scrambled. Please suggest a plan of attack. Jack 
Those are just some of the questions we will answer. If you tune in while we're live, you can also ask questions in the chat.  

Chris Guld is President and Teacher-in-Chief at . She has been in computer training and support since 1983. She is now a Top Contributor for the Google Photos Forum, owner of the blog, and author of Mrs. Geek's Guide to Google Photos
She loves to teach! If you want to learn, you’ve come to the right place.