When you travel in remote areas, you likely will not have cell service, and you may not have electricity. If using your devices and connecting to Internet is important to you, we have some tips about how you can prepare before you go, and some tips about what to do and not do when you’re there.
In Episode 149 of What Does This Button Do? We give you resources for finding the best cellular boosters, but you need to realize that in some places, nothing will work. We demonstrate how to download things like maps that you will need when you're offline. Here are some tips from the episode:
- Use Airplane mode to conserve battery: Your phone uses a lot of battery as it searches for cell signal. When you know that it's not going to find any, you can tell it to stop searching by turning off all communications - that's airplane mode.
- Maps.me - a free app that stores all map data on your device, no need for a connection. We also show how to download sections of Google Maps.
This is a "rerun" episode since we were not Live on YouTube last week. We do plan to be live this week - Sunday 9/29/19 at 2pm Eastern Episode 176: Making your own Maps with MyMaps.
We're in Chicago
We will be presenting seminars to computer clubs this week.