Find photos by text in the photo - and other new features in 2019

Published: Thu, 11/21/19

Learn Google Photos

2019-11-21 14:36:22.391-05
Google Photos just keeps getting better at searching your photos. One of the recent new features is the ability to search for text that is found in the picture. 
Some photos found in searching for "welcome."
The pictures you see here are just a few of my photos that were found by searching for "welcome." 
Go ahead, give it a try:
  • Just open Google Photos on your Android, iPhone, or on the Web
  • Click on the search bar at the top and type  welcome  or any word you think will be found in your photos
  • Press Enter on computer, or the checkmark or search button on mobile.
  • Did it find any?
Google Photos 2019 - what else is new? Since my book, Mrs. Geek's Guide to Google Photos: second edition, was published in summer of 2018, I've been keeping a list of everything that has been added or changed. That will be the topic of our next What Does This Button Do? show. 

  • What: Episode 179 of our YouTube show
    Google Photos 2019 - what's new?
  • When: Live this Sunday, November 24, at 2pm Eastern
  • How: just click below. If you watch while we're live, you'll be able to ask questions. If you watch later, you'll see the recording.

Chris Guld is President and Teacher-in-Chief at She has been in computer training and support since 1983. She is now a Product Expert for the Google Photos Forum, owner of the blog, and author of Mrs. Geek's Guide to Google Photos
She loves to teach! If you want to learn, you’ve come to the right place.