Showing old photo albums on TV fills your house with memories
How do I get my old photo albums into Google Photos? While we #stayhome, we are pulling out our
old photos. In this week's YouTube show, Episode 189, we show you how we get them into Google Photos, make albums and then add the albums to our Google Home "ambient" mode which acts like a screensaver for the TV.
First step: Digitize
Scan the photos from albums with your phone so they go to Google Photos.
- If there is no problem with glare or reflection, you can just use the camera on your phone
- The Free Google PhotoScan will remove glare, and generally do a better job
- See Episode 134 for more detail on PhotoScan.
Then Display
If you have a Chromecast enabled TV, you can use the Google Home app, or the Google Photos Android App, to specify albums to be displayed like a screensaver. See Episode 108 for further detail on Chromecast.
Premium Members Only: Go to Episode 189 with notes and links and you can log in and see 7 pages of show notes documenting everything we covered in the show. You can also click "download the .pdf" to get a printable copy.