Does your club have a Facebook Page or Group?
They gave us a lot of information and tips, but I think the most important tip that Martin and Jeanne gave was that any page, group, or channel that is established for a club or group, needs to have at least 2 managers.
If your club has a Facebook page, check that it has multiple Admins:
- Open the page as an admin
- Find Page Settings, then Page Roles
- Under existing page roles, check to see who the admins are
- If there is only one, go back up to Assign a New Page Role and enter an email of a person, click the roles button and choose Admin then Add
If your club has a Facebook group, check that it has multiple Admins:
- Go to the group as an Admin
- Click on Members
- You should see the Admin member(s) at the top
- To add another, they must already be a member of the group.
- Find their name in the list of members, click the 3-dot menu to the right of their name and select "Make Admin"