Collaborate on Group Photo Albums
Using Google Photos, you can make an album and then invite people to contribute photos and comments to the album. Once they have done so, you will see their name appear in the corner of the photo thumbnail. It's a great way to collect photos from everyone at an event or on a trip. The only requirement is that they use Google Photos. Last Sunday, we held a members-only meeting and created a shared album, added lots of photos and wrote
comments. If you are a member, you can watch the replay here.
Create an album
- One person needs to start the album, they will be the owner.
- You can just create a regular album by
-selecting a photo or two,
-click the + at the upper right and choose Album (you could also choose "Shared Album" and it will prompt you to share at the end)
-Give the album a name and click the checkmark in upper left to finish
Share the album
- Open the album created above and click the Share button
- To share with a few people, just choose them from your contact list that displays, or search by entering their email addresses (this must be an email address for a Google account)
- You have the option to type a message where it says "Say something" then click the send button
- To share with a lot of people, choose Create Link, then copy the link and paste it where your audience can see it, like in an email or a Facebook post.
Now the people you shared with can click the link or find the album in their Google Photos Sharing section. They can open the album, join it, and add their own photos. The key is the album option called "Collaboration." This is on by default, you can see it by opening the album, clicking the 3-dot menu and then Options.
Learn Google Photos Book Launch
If you took advantage of our book launch special for the spiral bound book, please be patient. We have not received our shipment of books yet, we expect them late next week. Then we will re-bind them and get them out to you. The workshops will be scheduled for October. You will get an email soon about that.The book is now available on Amazon as well.
What is this special, you ask? Here ya go: