What's up with Jim and Chris - the Geeks
Our January trip to Central America was hijacked by Covid
We weren't sick, no symptoms at all, but we tested positive for Covid and were immediately transferred to a hotel in San Salvador. By the time we tested negative, the tour was long gone so we just flew home! Assuming we are successful with our trip insurance claim, we will try again with the Route of the
Maya trip later.
Classes in January
During the past month we presented 2 private classes over Zoom on using Snapseed for Photo editing. You can review the class materials at the link below. They will be public until mid-February when it changes to members only.
In this newsletter:
As usual, we have an eclectic mix of smartphone and technology tips for you.
- How to put text in a caption below a photo using Snapseed (like the photo of our hotel view above)
- Blast from the Past - Geeks on Tour celebrates 15 years!
- How to give copies of photos to family or friends
We also did 2 episodes of our "What Does This Button Do?" YouTube show:
Recent Tutorial Videos
- Thank you to our premium members for supporting us and making this newsletter possible! If you learn something from us, and you're not a member, consider joining us now.
We're Presenting Online and Live
We had a big RV rally cancel already and a live club meeting has gone back to Zoom. We're presenting live to an RV park audience, though. First time in a while.
- Feb 13, 3pm ET Backstage Pass for Members Only Zoom meeting
- February 21 – 24 Riverside RV Resort 3 sessions in-person
- Feb 27, 2pm ET- Episode 230 of What Does This Button Do?
- Feb 27, 3pm ET Backstage Pass for Members Only Zoom meeting
- Feb 28, 7PM Valencia Reserve Zoom Presentation
- Mar 13, 2pm ET- Episode 229 of What Does This Button Do?
- Mar 13, 3pm ET Backstage Pass for Members Only Zoom meeting
- Mar 21, 3pm ET Google Photos Live Q&A
- Mar 27, 2pm ET- Episode 230 of What Does This Button Do?
- Mar 27, 3pm ET Backstage Pass for Members Only Zoom meeting
Stay safe. Wash your hands. Get vaccinated.
Google Photos: What is the best way to give my kids all the photos I have of them?
Do you want to give a bunch of photos to someone? If you both use Google Photos, it's fast and easy. You share an album, the person you share with saves the contents to their Google Photos account and makes their own album. This article and video will teach you how.
How to print text below a photo
When we taught Snapseed for our “What does this Button Do?” show last Sunday, a viewer asked if there was a way to have text appear below a photo rather than right on it. I answered, “No” Snapseed can only edit the photo, it has no way to
add captions and then display them below the photo. BUT, I kept thinking about it, and I discovered a way to add a black bottom border to the photo and then add text to that. Here are the steps:
Looking Back: Geeks on Tour celebrate 15 years
The GeeksOnTour.com website began in 2007.
Take a look at one of our very first GeeksOnTour newsletters. It just goes to show you that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
And, how about our earliest tutorial videos! Video 001 is all about customizing your windows desktop. How to change the wallpaper, add shortcut icons, and use the taskbar. The video was recorded using Windows XP, but it's surprising how applicable it still is. Video 008 is about Cut, Copy, and Paste - another universal topic. And #008 is one of my favorite topics, Blogs!
In this article, I tell a bit about Jim's and my story and how Geeks on Tour came to be.
Praise for our Google Photos Book
We were so excited to get this email from Sue Hepler. So I don't have to tell you about how good my book is! You can listen to Sue!
"I just received my new Google Photos book from you. Came home, heated up a cup of soup, plopped down at the table and opened your book for the first time. I just grabbed a chunk of pages at random and came to Chapter 5. I read page 73 about archiving. I've never used archive before because I didn't really understand it and didn't think I'd ever need it. Now I think it is a MIRACLE!!!!
My biggest problem of scrolling through all our photos by date is the issue of seeing all the housewatch photos we take on a daily basis. NOW (thanks to you) I know I just have to select them and hit archive. I still have the photos if I should need them for future reference but I don't have to scroll through them all to get to the one or two photos I took that I want for my blog or for personal use.
THANK YOU!!!! If I hadn't ordered your book, I would never have realized a simple solution to my ongoing problem (annoyance).
You remain WONDER WOMAN in my world. I am a HUGE fan.
Sue Hepler"
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