Geeks on Tour Newsletter 3/17/08: Blog page links, Custom Maps, KB, MB and GB explained.
Published: Tue, 03/18/08
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Geeks On Tour Newsletter Subscribe to this Newsletter March 17 , 2008 |
The winter season is coming to a close. We'll be headed east in about a week. Our plan is to spend a couple months in our home territory of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Then we will be 'rally-hopping' for most of the summer in Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, and perhaps Vermont. As always, you can keep track of us by watching our blog at: In this newsletter
If you know someone you think would be interested in this newsletter, please forward it to them. If you have any requests for future articles, please send us an email. What are Blog Permalinks?If you have a blog made with or if you read others' blogs, it can be very helpful to understand how it is structured. Let's use the Geeks On Tour blog as an example. Wheneve I create a blog post, that post is actually an entry in a database maintained on Blogger's servers. Each post in the database is displayed on the web in 3 different ways.
I can also link to any given month in the archives. For example, May 2005 was a particularly full month. I create the link by finding the month in the archives and clicking on it - then I copy that URL from the address bar to make my link. This URL looks like: The longer your blog goes on, the more you will want to refer back to previous posts. If you don't know how to make a link in your blog, check out my blogger video tutorials, specifically the one on making links. You will also need to know how to copy and paste. You'll find that tutorial on the Computer Essentials page. Using Google Maps to display your travels
You must have a Google account. If you have a gmail account, you're all set. (If not, watch 'Get a Gmail Account.') Go to, make sure you're signed in, then click on the tab for 'My Maps.' Watch this Google video to get an overview of personalized maps. Once you're on 'My Maps' first be sure you're viewing the United States, or whatever area you're going to be using. Now click on the link to 'Create New Map'. You should now see some tools appear.
What a great interactive map this makes. Your readers can see exactly where you've been. If they want to know more, they can click on the placemark and follow the link to your blog post. When you have the map you want, you can embed it into a blog post by clicking on 'Link to this page.' You will have 2 choices: Paste link in email OR Paste HTML to embed in website. To put it in your blog, you want the second choice. Copy that code and paste it into your blog - making sure to use Blogger's HTML view. To see a completed sample, check out my Blog post. To watch videos that show you how to do this, I've added Both of these will require you to enter a username and password. For newsletter subsribers, enter : Beginner Tips: Kilobytes, Megabytes and GigabytesHow many pictures will fit on a CD? We had that exact question in our seminar today. I figured it's a good place to review KB, MB, GB - that's shorthand for KiloBytes, MegaBytes, and GigaBytes. It's actually very easy if we don't get too detailed about it. So here's the basics:
The pictures I take average about 3 Megabytes each. Therefore, I can fit about 230 photos on one CD. If you take your photos at a lower resolution, they may only be 1 MB each. In that case, you could fit about 700 photos on that same CD. One DVD can hold 4.7 GB of data. If I wanted to copy that red file above to a disk, I could use a DVD - if I have a DVD burner.
Don't you feel good now that you know how to calculate disk space? Go give yourself a treat! |
That's all for now. Thanks for reading. Your next issue will be in 2-3 weeks. Any questions, please email us. If you like this newsletter, please forward it on to your friends! If you received this issue forwarded by a friend you can subscribe to get your own copy delivered to your in box. To see the archives of past newsletters, go to Chris Guld |